At a glance
Market volume in the electronics industry is more than EUR 3.5 trillion, making it one of the most important branches of industry in the world. Its significance continues to increase. Whether it comes to PCBs, semiconductors, sensors, plug connectors or displays: Electronics are a permanent part of our daily life.
The leading international trade fair electronica is the very first place to see which components, systems or applications make new developments such as smart homes and connected cars possible in the first place. Here on Planet e, visitors see the entire world of electronics.
Add: New Munich Trade Fair Center
In a detailed
Our Booth A6.564
Fairgrounds map
The exhibitions we attended
• 19th International exhibition of electronic components, modules and systems
• Electronica China 2016 - The 15th International Trade Fair for ElectronicComponents, Systems and Applications
• CEF Shenzhen 2016 - The 87th China Electronics Fair
• CEF Shanghai 2015 - The 86th China Electronics Fair
• CEF West 2015 - China Electronics Fair West 2015